Friday, February 22, 2019

A Selfie of Moi
Wearing Victorian Hat with Veils
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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

I have been thinking upon this topic lately. Some folk, over the years, tell me that they dislike Socialism. That they never want to see it come to this country. And yet, it is here in many different ways. Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability. Does this sound horrible? Here is the thing about Socialism, which you have been told to fear all your life, is responsible for the following. Military/Defense, Highways/Roads, Public Libraries, Police, Fire Depts, Postal Service, Student Loans and Grants, Bridges, Garbage Collection, Public Landfills, War, Farm Subsidies, CIA, FBI, Congressional Healthcare, Polio Vaccine, EPA, Social Security, Museums, Public Schools, Prison System, Business Subsidies, VA Healthcare, Public Parks, All Elected Government Officials, Food Stamps, Sewer System, Medicare, Court System, Bird Flu Vaccine, G.I. Bill, Hoover Dam, State/City Zoos, IRS, Free Lunch Programs, The Pentagon, Medicaid, FDA, Healthcare for 9/11 Rescue Workers, Swine Flu Vaccine, SSDI, Town/State Run Beaches, Corporate Bailouts, State Construction, Unemployment Insurance, City/Metro Buses, WIC, State Snow Removal, PBS, CDC, Public Street Lighting, FEMA, Public Defenders, NPR, Homeland Security, OSHA, State/National Monuments and soooo much more. We Americans rely on so many things and/or take it for granted. Every single day. So, tell me, how do you feel about Socialism now?