Wednesday, September 29, 2010

“Crimes are Crimes” – Message from World Can’t Wait and Mark Ruffalo

Actor Mark Ruffalo wrote to us today on why he signed Crimes Are Crimes and donated towards publishing it:

"These wars are unjust and the way they are being waged is unlawful. We are not winning hearts and minds. Americans are angry. Every day we see affronts to our laws by corporations and politicians, crimes that go unpunished. For the poor and powerless the law is cruel and unfair. That is the basis of our anger. We sense our country falling into chaos. That is because law does not seem to carry weight for the privileged and the powerful. Help us put an end to these hypocritical assaults on our constitution. Help us to restore integrity in the purpose of democracy."

You can take inspiration from his example and join us to make a big splash in The New York Times next week, in the midst of all commemorations and debate surrounding the anniversary of the start of the escalating war in Afghanistan.

As of 6pm Central on Sept 28th we're at $16,735 of the $30,000 needed towards placing this ad in The Times next week. Our goal is to place it during the same week that the war started - now the longest war in US history. People are donating in amounts from $5 to $1000 via credit card and check. This is very good - but we are not there yet.

You are needed! Please donate, call friends and contacts of World Can't Wait, email family members, stop strangers on the street, and let people know about this opportunity to break the silence over the war in Afghanistan. The funds are needed this week.

It has been 3 years now that an anti-war statement has appeared in The Times! Isn't it about time??

[Duchess Note: Join me and others in making a donation. Help WCW get this important ad into the NY Times. Please share this posting with family and friends. It's important to be informed and educated about the crimes committed in our name by our government and military.]

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