Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 1st and 2nd, I had two chiropractor appts to deal with my lower back issues [ie: Sacroilitis and Sciatica].

April 4th, I attended the monthly TGTSNBN meetup at Stone Creek lounge.  It was good fun and great seeing friends / acquaintances.

April 6th started out with an appt at my chiropractor office, and then heading into Manhattan for my 30th Anniversary celebration at The Parlour.  I celebrated with some friends regarding my move to NYC 30 years ago in the spring of 1983.  Some relatives said I would not last six [6] months and here I am in 2013 a proud survivor.  Afterwards, I went to a friend’s birthday dinner party at Westway Diner.

On April 7th I had my usual private yoga class with Fabrice, and then afterwards I headed into Manhattan for a much needed acupuncture appt.

April 9th, I attended a dual committee [ie: PF and Fundraising] meeting for BFP.  Discussion centered on prep work and organization for an “honorees” event hosted by BFP in the autumn.

April 10th, I had dinner [PUKK on 1st Avenue] with Kim Grover in the East Village.  She is from my hometown in Westchester County and we went to the same schools.

April 11th, I attended a film screening of "Bowling for Columbine", which was hosted by BFP.  Afterwards, those of us who attended had a discussion on the film.  I'd never seen the film by Michael Moore and found that many issues "then" haven't quite been resolved in today's society. The NRA is still a serious issue and more gun violence has happened since Columbine. What is wrong with this country and our society?  Do any of my regular blog readers have any thoughts on this?

April 13th, I met up with my friend Jackie at the entrance to Brooklyn Botanical Gardens on Eastern Parkway for a leisurely stroll.  I had my camera, iPad and Sasha the Sock Monkey with me for the adventure.  It’s been 11 years since I strolled through these lovely gardens and it was delightful this time, despite the weather being abit overcast.  Took lots of photos and was especially impressed with the Japanese Hill & Pond Garden.  I noticed many changes to the botanical gardens and all for the better.  Afterwards, we strolled over to Flatbush Avenue for a tasty dinner at Dao Palate.  The pumpkin soup was especially good.  After we parted ways, and as I was walking along 7th Avenue, I decided to stop into Cocoa Bar for a slice of Vegan chocolate cake.  Yum!  They had free WiFi, so I decided to hang out for abit.  Overall it was a very nice day.

April 14th, after I had my delicious and healthy morning smoothie, I went to my weekly private class at the yoga center in my hood.  I asked Fabrice if we could have it outside in the sunny, grassy courtyard, and he agreed.  It was abit breezy, but overall with the warmth of the sun, it was a very good class.  Next week I am going to try the Qigong class.

April 15th, I attended a Tax Day Forum after work, which was hosted by Ft Greene Peace and also Brooklyn for Peace. The main speakers were Mike Zweig, Professor of Economics/Activist, and Mark Dunlea, Community Organizer for Hunger Action Network.  The forum was fascinating, informative and some facts were such eye-openers.  Such as; $682 billion on war spending by the US in 2012 …. 26 soup kitchens in NYC during the late 1970s and now there are 1300 …. 28 million people without jobs throughout the US …. Deficit not the issue, but the economy is the serious issue.  For those of us taxpayers who live in NYC … $4 billion was spent for Iraq / Afghanistan wars during the 2012 fiscal year.  NY State taxpayers forked over $10.3 billion for Iraq / Afghanistan wars.  Many of these facts are noted on The National Priorities Project website [ www.costofwar.com ]

April 18th, I attended the monthly “Friends of Tolkien” meetup and main topic of discussion was season three of “Game of Thrones” on cable TV, as well as The Hobbit movie/book.  Afterwards, I headed down to Union Square, to purchase some Downton Abbey books from B&N.

April 20th, after Dana cleaned my apartment, I headed into Manhattan to meet up with Dennis for a delightful, leisurely afternoon of strolling The Highline, and then dinner at Bus Stop CafĂ©.  Afterwards, Dennis and I drove up to the Eastside of Manhattan and he dropped me off at Central Park before heading to an appt.  My only gripe about the day was the chilly wind and the subways being messed up.

April 21st, I participated in my first ever Qigong class at the yoga center in my hood, and afterwards I had an appt with Dr Tan in Manhattan.

April 22nd, I participated in the monthly BFP A&C committee meeting, which was very productive.

April 23rd, after getting therapy at my foot doctor’s office, I headed uptown to All Souls Church for Wither America:  Decline or Renewal? with Cornel R. West, Ph.D.
Professor Cornel West talked about issues of economic justice and injustice.  Dr West and co-author Tavis Smiley wrote a recent publication called, The Rich and the Rest of Us: A Poverty Manifest. 
Cornel West is professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice at Union Theological Seminary, Professor Emeritus at Princeton University, and a prominent and provocative democratic intellectual. He is the author of several best-selling books, including Race Matters and Democracy Matters, and has appeared frequently as a guest on the PBS program hosted by Tavis Smiley, the Bill Maher Show, the Colbert Report, CNN and C-Span. He also co-hosts with Mr. Smiley the radio program "Smiley and West" broadcast on PRI around the country, appeared in the film, The Matrix, and has made three spoken word albums, including Never Forget. Professor West earned an undergraduate degree magna cum laude from Harvard and a doctorate in Philosophy from Princeton. In addition to Union Theological Seminary and Princeton he has also taught philosophy at Harvard, Yale and the University of Paris.
April 25th, I attended the “14 years after Columbine: Guns in America” Forum and Q & A with Leah Barrett, Executive Director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, and Kim Russell, Founding Member and Communications Director of Moms Demand Action.  Was held at The Commons and hosted by BFP.

Evening of April 26th, I went to the Somethin’ Jazz Club on East 52nd Street to hear Veronica Nunn and her quartet performs some grooving jazz.  It was enjoyable and I picked up some CDs.

On April 27th, I headed into Manhattan to see Wendy for the first of several fittings for my latest HP themed ensemble.  She also showed me some of her pix from recent trip to London the HP Tour.

April 28th, after I had my delicious and healthy morning smoothie, I went to my weekly private class at the yoga center in my hood.  Since the weather was sunny, warm with a slight breeze, we had the class outside the yoga center on mats.  It was a really good class.  Afterwards, I hopped on the subway and headed out to Queens to visit with my friend Debbie.  We caught up on news, played with her cats, went out to dinner at a nice Thai place and she loaned me one of her hats for one of my Misti-Con ensembles.

On April 29th, after work, I stopped by the Halloween costume shop down near Union Square to see Wendy about fitting / design for my latest ensemble.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Dear Friends,
I just took action by writing the President and my Members of Congress in support of the Youth PROMISE Act, which was reintroduced recently in Congress. I hope you will check out the information below, and if inspired, write your Members of Congress! This is important. www.youthpromiseaction.org

The Youth PROMISE Act (Youth Prison Reduction Through Opportunities, Mentoring, Intervention, Support and Education Act) is critical bipartisan legislation.

The Youth PROMISE Act will provide our hardest hit communities around the country with the support and funding they need to effectively address youth violence issues.  By specifically focusing on proven or promising violence prevention and smart intervention strategies, this bill ensures we are funding programs that save lives and give every young person the opportunity to meet his or her potential.

Why do we need the Youth PROMISE Act?  Because many neighborhoods across the country could be described as our own war zones.  Our children in particular are faced daily with horrific levels of homicide and violence, and according to social scientists, many suffer the same kind of post-traumatic stress as our soldiers returning from war.  How can we allow this to continue?

Homicide is the second leading cause of death for all youth (the leading cause for African Americans).  All the while, we have the highest levels of incarceration of any nation in the world, with some of the strictest and most punitive oriented laws.  We have only 5% of the world’s citizens, yet have 25% of it’s prisoners.  Clearly our strategies for dealing with the challenges before us are not working, and the consequences are DEVASTATING for those caught in the crossfire.
Please write your Members of Congress today! Tell them to support the Youth PROMISE Act. >>  http://www.youthpromiseaction.org

Local communities across the country are leading the way in developing and implementing innovative, evidence-based prevention and intervention practices that engage and divert at-risk youth proactively -- before they slip into cycles of violence, incarceration and despair.  And, these community-based practices have been shown to reduce rates of violence more effectively and at a substantially lower cost than criminal enforcement and incarceration.

But their current reach is limited by vastly inadequate and sporadic funding, and the absence of a comprehensive framework to engage community stakeholders, evaluate program effectiveness and to collect data and coordinate and share research. The Youth PROMISE Act will help greatly meet this need, empowering communities by building on local strengths to invest in what works.

This Act resonates across the political spectrum because it is community-based, accountable, and replicable.  Local leaders who know their communities best determine which youth and gang violence programs should be given initial funding.  Then, the selected programs must prove they are working in order to receive additional funding, and they are given resources to do so. Finally, those programs that show themselves to be effective best practices can continue, and some may serve as models that can be adapted for use in other communities across the country.
Additional benefits:
  • It will partner with universities as regional research partners;
  • Establish a national resource center for proven juvenile justice practices;
  • It would do this by engaging a wide range of community stakeholders to serve on local PROMISE Coordinating Councils.
  • Much more...
Show our youth that we have their backs.  Learn more and take action now at: http://www.youthpromiseaction.org

Monday, April 15, 2013

 Brooklyn Botanical Garden
April 13th
Visit with a Friend

Monday, April 08, 2013

30 Years
New York City
with Friends
 At The Parlour
April 6th

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

 Back at Jean's
Easter Breakfast
with the


March 2nd, I had an appt with Dr Tan for acupuncture treatment, and afterwards I headed uptown to see Wendy about HP costume.  After the matinee at the theatre, Wendy and other ushers watch movies downstairs.  While there we watched the 1957 TV showing of Cinderella with Julie Andrews.  After grocery shopping at Westerly’s I headed home and rented season one of “Downton Abbey” for my weekend viewing pleasure.

March 3rd, I attended my private yoga class with Fabrice at the yoga center, and finished watching Downton Abbey on DVD.

March 7th, I attended the monthly BFP board meeting at The Commons.  As always, it was interesting and informative, with discussions centering on lobbying our Brooklyn Congressional and City Council reps.

March 9th, I embarked upon a “photo adventure” during the afternoon of Prospect Park.  I did something different and took the B43 bus down to the park from my neighborhood.  Took an hour and went some neighborhoods I normally wouldn’t venture into.  The weather on Saturday was sunny, 50 degrees and not a cloud in the sky.  I took some great pix of the boathouse, bridges, a ravine and even bird watchers.

March 10th, I had a private class with Fabrice at the yoga center.

March 12th, I attended the monthly BFP PF committee meeting and it was productive.

March 15th, I had an appt with Dr Tan my acupuncturist.

On March 16th, after Dana did cleaning of my apartment, I headed into Manhattan to see my friend Wendy at the costume shop.  Pay her for the rest of the HP new ensemble and catch up on news.  That evening I attended a party at an acquaintances place in my hood and had a fun time.

March 17th, I attended my private yoga class with Fabrice at the yoga center.

March 19th, I participated in the monthly BFP A&C committee meeting, which was held via conference call due to inclement weather.  The call was very productive and three important projects are now in the works.

Evening of March 21st, I participated in the Misti-Con live webcast, and when that was completed, I jumped on the WCW conference call with Cindy Sheehan as guest speaker.

March 23rd, I had a terrific time at the Tolkien Reading Day event, which was held this year at Books of Wonder. Many thanks to Teel James Glenn and Timdalf who were the MCs, plus everyone gave such great and diverse readings. Sam Szetela’s presentation of the Gollum and Bilbo "scene" was very amusing. Afterwards a group of us went to Hollywood Diner on 6th Avenue for dinner and more fun conversations. 

March 24th, started off with my private class with Fabrice at the yoga center, and later on an appt with Dr Tan.

March 26th, I attended the monthly BFP fundraising committee meeting, enjoyable, informative and productive.

March 27th, I did volunteer work at the WCW national office.

March 29th to 30th, I visited my parents, brother and sister-in-law for the Easter holiday weekend in upstate NY.  While there my lower back troubles [ie: Sacroilitis and Sciatica] gave me grief and must see my chiropractor upon return to NYC.  Other than that I had a good, relaxing and enjoyable weekend.