Friday, February 29, 2008

Why Dennis Kucinich Still Matters
Deborah Emin, Huffington Post
Dennis Kucinich does not treat politics like a popularity contest. He is a voice for the people and ideas that we need to repair this country.

[Duchess Note: Bravo Ms Emin in speaking the truth in your article; not only about DJK, but about BO and HC. The MSM is treating 2008 presidential race like “American Idol”, which I find to be such a boring show. Total yawn fest. The MSM is more interested in fights, money and scandal than real issues that hit many Americans. You want real news, and then forget most of the newspapers and TV news out there today, cause its not real journalism, go for some of the news outlets on the Internet. Save your money … do not purchase newspapers.]

Key Green Party Issues in the 2008 Presidential Race

-- End racial disparity
-- Implementation of universal healthcare
-- Reform of the electoral system
-- Immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq
-- Repeal of President Bush’s tax cuts
-- Aid those suffering from the housing mortgage crisis
-- Address global warming

10 Key Values of the Green Party

1. Grassroots democracy
2. Social justice and equal opportunity
3. Ecological wisdom
4. Non-violence
5. Decentralization (of wealth and power)
6. Community-based economics and economic justice
7. Feminism and gender equity
8. Respect for diversity
9. Personal and global responsibility
10. Future focus and sustainability

Cynthia McKinney: The New Face of the Green Party
Wendy Wilson, Essence,16109,1714833,00.html

[Duchess Note: Many thanks to Linda in TX for sharing the above articles.]

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