Friday, June 10, 2005

Message From Congressman Conyers – Regarding "Downing Street Memo"
Dated June 9th
I wanted to give you a brief update about the DSM activism we have been working on together, and to let you know that I am calling hearings on this issue. When we began, it was just a few of us talking to each other about the troubling information in the DSM. The media is now covering the minutes, not in the sustained and thorough way that is needed, but it is a start. Thanks to you, many Americans who had no idea what we were talking about at the beginning of May have now heard about the DSM. The significance of the President of the United States and Prime Minister of Great Britain being asked about this matter in a joint press conference cannot be overstated. It is a testament to your perseverance.

As some of you may have heard, many, many new organizations have joined us in our efforts or are about to join us in our efforts. Prominently, is collecting signatures for the letter. We have now topped a combined 300,000. At the end of May that number was zero. From zero to 300,000 in less than two weeks. Just think about that. A question often asked on DailyKos (yes, I read the comments) goes something like this: why am I signing this letter? The question is a legitimate one, as you are often asked to sign petitions or letters, and then there is no follow up.

Here is the answer: on Thursday, a week from today, I will be holding a hearing with my Democratic colleagues to begin to hear evidence about the DSM. We will have a number of witnesses, including Joe Wilson, who frequent readers here already know is a WMD expert and former Ambassador; Ray McGovern, a 27-year CIA analyst; Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq; and John Bonifaz, a renowned Constitutional attorney. At the conclusion of the hearing, we will go to Lafayette Park and I will personally deliver your signatures to the White House. This hearing is just one step in an investigation that I am commencing that will literally span the Atlantic. I am in touch with British officials and former U.S. intelligence officials and I am determined to get to the truth.

At the hearing, I will disclose information found to date, which includes the public release of newly discovered documents. While none of these documents are as damning as the DSM, they nonetheless bolster the accuracy of it. There is another point that has been missed of late. An article I read a week ago, I can't remember where, quoted a right wing blogger as proclaiming this a dead issue and further stating that this was a test of the progressive netroots. Implicit was his contention that we were failing that test. A week later, the President was forced to respond (inadequately) to a question about it. We have passed the test. Thanks again for your help and support. This is just the beginning.

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