Thursday, September 21, 2006

MESSAGE FROM THE PEACE ALLIANCE & DEPT OF PEACE CAMPAIGN - Governor Richardson Designates Day of Peace for New Mexico

Special thanks to Richard Mansbach for sharing this information and congratulations to all the people in NM who worked on this!

SANTA FE—Governor Richardson has proclaimed his support of nonviolent solutions to domestic and international conflict by formally recognizing September 21st as the State of New Mexico’s Day of Peace. The proclamation states, “…in times of crisis, all attempts at cooperation and dialogue, both large and small, can help to break patterns of violence, find common ground and reestablish respect.” It also encourages the support of nonviolent approaches to conflict through practices such as mediation, community conferencing, and conflict management instruction in our schools. “New Mexico is becoming a leader in considering innovative approaches to issues of conflict in our society,” said Richard Mansbach, a practitioner with the Restorative Justice Community Center of Southwestern NM.
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“Governor Richardson’s stand through this proclamation furthers the effort for passage of the NM Office of Peace and adds weight to the momentum for a national Department of Peace, both of which promote the use of nonviolent practices.” The legislation for a New Mexico Office of Peace passed the House in the long session in 2005 and has Governor Richardson’s support. A New Mexico Office of Peace would be committed to finding and maintaining a high ground of humanity, respect, hope and safety for NM citizens and their future generations. It would enhance peace studies and practices, and coordinate and support existing resources and trainings in conflict resolution. It would also research the relationship between the use of diplomatic methods and the reduction of violence.


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