Thursday, October 09, 2008


Friday, September 26th, I volunteered with City Harvest at the Union Square farmers market.

On Sunday, September 28th, I headed up to Fort Tryon Park [northern Manhattan] to volunteer at the annual Medieval Festival. Over the past few years I’ve helped out my friend Eileen, who is Production Director of this entertaining one-day event. Even with abit of rain this year, it didn’t seem to dampen the spirits of participants, actors, vendors and attendees, as it was a good turnout. This time I was helping out at the information booth near the main entrance of the park. Unfortunately I didn’t get to spend much time with Eileen, as she is one busy bee at the festival. I did check out the many wares at the vendor booths, plus see some of the final Joust. I did run into some of the members of “The Group Who Shall Not Be Named” [Harry Potter related] before and after the festival. They reminded me that the first Quidditch match of the season is on Sunday, October 12th, in Riverside Park. I also ran into a fellow political activist [Al] and we discussed the current situation and the boring debates.

Later that week, on Thursday evening, October 2nd, I attended the NYC Harry Potter meetup [The Group Who Shall Not Be Named] at Café Metro and it was Talent Night. It was a very nice turnout of regular and new members of this fun group. The evening was quite entertaining listening to songs, poems, dance and even an amusing skit revolving around Draco, Hermione and Harry. One of the members was selling buttons that said “I’m with the banned”, this in reference to that horrible Gov Palin.

The next evening, October 3rd, I attended the “Friday Nite Knits” group in the Kensington section of Brooklyn. I’d never been to this part of Brooklyn and it is along the F subway line. Nice little café near the subway and I enjoyed a delicious vanilla milkshake. OMG! It was so rich and thick. I find it so enjoyable socializing with others who knit/crochet, plus admiring different lovely knitting projects. It was a nice way to wrap up a work week.

On Sunday, October 5th, I headed up to CT for a visit with my good friend Katherine. We were supposed to attend the SoNo Festival back in early August, but I had to cancel due to being in the hospital. Took MetroNorth to Stratford and from there we checked out some shops before heading to her home for a warm lunch. I spent time with playing with her adorable two-year old grandson [Shane] and chat with her daughter Cherie. Then we attended [along with her hubby and grandson] Shelton Day and even with the overcast, cool weather all had a good time. Shane behaved himself and rode around the street festival in his little red wagon. He even got his face painted to make him look like a puppy dog. Great catching up on news and gossip with Katherine, then it was back to the train station for the ride back to NYC.

Monday evening, October 6th, after my foot doctor appointment for therapy, I participated in the NYDoP CCR committee conference call. We mostly discussed latest developments, faxes, rough draft of letter to Community Boards and phone calls with City Council.

On Wednesday afternoon, October 8th, I had my first eye exam in five years. Yep, that’s right, exactly five years to the day. Overall my eyes are doing well and I only need to upgrade my reading glasses from a 1.25 to a 1.75. I won’t be purchasing them from the eye doctor, as those are too pricey, but will visit RiteAid or Duane Reade during my next payday.

Guillermo Del Toro Says ‘Hobbit’ Script Is Coming Together ‘Magically’
Shawn Adler, MTV

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