Friday, October 31, 2008

McKinney-Clemente Campaign Welcomes Chomsky's Support
Cynthia McKinney, in a prepared statement, today expressed her appreciation for the support of Professor Noam Chomsky, noted linguist tenured at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In private emails with campaign supporters this week, the respected social critic noted that he had voted Green in 2004 and would be voting for McKinney next Tuesday, as well. "I find it very gratifying that our campaign has garnered the support and vote of such an imminent thinker and noted critic of our nation's foreign policy," said Ms. McKinney, Green Party nominee for President of the United States. "I share Professor Chomsky's analysis that our vote is best invested in building an institution which will survive the close of the polls next Tuesday."

Halloween: Canvassing your Neighbors for Candy and Votes
It is Halloween -- when all of the ghouls and goblins are about -- almost as scary as another Presidential administration that would work against the best interests of the people! On no other night of the year do so many people happily invite their neighbors to their homes; what better time to do some campaigning? We urge all supporters of the Power to the People Campaign, as you accompany your children in their door-to-door canvas of your neighborhood for candy, to please take this opportunity to also spread the good news about our candidates. Please head to our website for literature suitable for download and local duplication which you can share with your neighbors.

New Literature Just In Time
With our appreciation to Marshall Sanders, a Green Party member in Oakland California we are pleased to offer a new literature piece just in time for our 11th Hour GOTV visibility efforts. Its called RealChange, and offers eight affordable pieces for each sheet printed. Please use it as you canvas your neighborhood Friday night with your kids for candy and votes.


Presidential Race Highlights 2008 General Election
Kent Dinnebier, Clarinda Herald-Journal

[Duchess Note: Wow, this is a rarity, a news agency that actually provides its voters ALL the presidential candidates who’ll be on the ballot November 4th, plus info on them and their running mates. Very few news agencies and newspapers do this sort of thing nowadays. It’s so refreshing to see a news agency do this and I wish to thank Linda in TX for sharing with us. Be peace and vote your interests, values and conscious, please don’t let guilt or fear guide you.]

US Financial Bailout Shows Who Holds Power
Sault Star, Ontario, Canada

Conyers, Kucinich Express Alarm Regarding the Use of Funds from the $700 Billion Rescue Package

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) and Government Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today expressed alarm that the $700 billon from the Troubled Asset Relief Program has apparently not yet been used to make loans to businesses and consumers. Recent media reports suggest the banking industry will not use these funds to facilitate lending, but will instead use them to facilitate mergers.

“It is very troubling to learn that the $700 billion rescue package sold to the American consumer as necessary ensure to continue loans to small businesses and consumers, is apparently being used instead to squeeze smaller banks out of the market,” said Conyers. “I’m concerned about the federal government using these funds to take sides in mergers and to promote consolidation within the financial markets instead of reviving our economy.”

“It seems evident that bailout funds are being used in unintended and objectionable ways,” said Kucinich, a leader in opposition to the bailout. “Nowhere is this more clear than in my district in Ohio, where National City was recently purchased by PNC; a bank that did not receive bailout money was purchased by a bank that did. Federal money should not be used to subsidize consolidation of the banking industry.”

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