PERSONAL NEWS #175[Duchess Note - Sincere and humble apologies for the long delay in posting news, articles or pix on my blog. Its been a hectic time at work and in other area's of my life. Hopefully things will calm down abit going forward. In the meantime, enjoy the latest in "personal news".]Monday, Feb 1st, had a foot doctor appt in the late afternoon.
Tuesday evening, Feb 2nd, I attended the LOST meetup at Irish Rogue pub for the premiere of Season 6th of the TV series. I hung out with Jax and Elena from TGTSNBN at the LOST meetup. Both episodes 1 and 2 were awesome, as well as clearing up [somewhat] the Smoke Monster theory, but also causing more confusion on other fronts. This is typical of LOST.
Thursday evening, Feb 4th, at 8:30pm I participated in the NYdoPeace CCR team conference call regarding a DoP resolution.
Friday evening, Feb 5th, at 7pm I joined several other ladies at Friday Nite Knits.
Saturday afternoon, Feb 6th, at 1:30pm I attended “The Gathering to Celebrate Howard Zinn” at Revolution Books on West 26th Street. Afterwards, I walked down to Union Square to check out B&N, farmers market and Whole Foods.
Monday evening, Feb 8th, I attended an event at Park Slope United Methodist Church hosted by “Brooklyn for Peace”. The event was titled “Which Way Afghanistan?” and featured guest speakers [ie: Congressman Nadler and Anand Gopal from the WSJ]. Saw Josh Skaller and Doug Biviano at the event, and sat next to Debra Sweet of WCW.
Tuesday evening, Feb 9th, I attended the LOST meetup at the Irish Rogue pub for episode three. This time I arrived early enough to obtain a cozy seat and didn’t move until 10pm.
On Wednesday, Feb 10th, we got slammed with another large snowstorm of the winter season. Those of us who made it into the office were allowed to leave early at 4pm. From there I went to my chiropractor appt. On the way home through the snowy streets of my Brooklyn hood, I saw, and photographed, a lonely snowman on the snow covered sidewalk. I don’t think anyone’s ever made a snowman on my street block.
Thursday evening, Feb 11th, I jumped on the World Can’t Wait conference call and the topic was mostly on STUPAK bill and pro-choice rights for women.
On Friday evening, Feb 12th, I joined other ladies at the Friday Nite Knits group in the Kensington neighborhood of Brooklyn.
Tuesday evening, Feb 16th, I attended the LOST meetup at the Irish Rogue pub for episode four. I mostly hung out with Jenni, Elena and Greg from TGTSNBN. Plus I even won one of the raffle prizes [ie: LOST video game] at the end of the episode.
Thursday evening, Feb 18th, I participated in the NydoPeace CCR team conference call. The main topic for the call was prepping for the team’s upcoming meeting with Councilmember Mendez office on Feb 24th near City Hall.
Friday evening, Feb 19th, I joined several other ladies at the Friday Nite Knits.
Sunday afternoon into evening, Feb 21st, I joined in with several of TGTSNBN activities. The main event was the celebration of the 200th meetup at Hurley’s pub off of Broadway. Good turnout at Hurley’s, wildly fun times, videos, music, Death Eaters performance, dancing, food, drink and much hilarity.
Tuesday evening, Feb 23rd, I attended the LOST meetup at the Irish Rogue pub for episode five.
Wednesday afternoon into evening, Feb 24th, I took half a personal day from work, so that I could join Kevin Fagan in a meeting with Councilmember Mendez at her legislative office. It was a good meeting, very informative, and we were happy to learn the councilmember re-introduced the DoP resolution on Feb 3rd. It is now known as Resolution 14. Afterwards I headed back to Brooklyn to a health food cafĂ© to utilize free Internet service. Typed up the notes from meeting with Mendez and emailed it to Kevin, plus surfed the net abit, and made phone calls. I then headed back into Manhattan and went to my friend Larry’s place. I purchased Chinese take-out for us both while he worked on my 2009 taxes.
Friday evening, Feb 26th, I joined a small dinner party [ie: Karen, Carol & Gary] at a Thai restaurant on West 48th Street. Good food, interesting conversations, and it was great seeing Karen. She was visiting NYC for a few weeks before heading back to Montana.
On Sunday, Feb 28th, I headed up to CT, via MetroNorth, to hang out with my good friend Katherine. We mostly hung out in the Stamford and Norwalk area. I paid my respects at the gravesite of an acquaintance of mine [from my youth in Pound Ridge] that passed away in June 2009. We hung out at the Stamford Mall to do some shopping and nosh on a leisurely lunch. From there we headed up to Norwalk for abit more shopping, as we were hunting for some gifties for Katherine’s grandson. Throughout all this we caught up on news, gossip and other bits of info, plus finally got to exchange Xmas gifts.
[Duchess Note - Will be posting some of my experimentation with new digital camera. Stay tuned. . . .]