Thursday afternoon, Feb 2nd, I participated in a BFP A&C committee conference call as a follow up to our event at WORD. Later that evening, I attended the monthly TGTSNBN meetup. I hadn’t been to one in months due to illness and being involved with the BFP board meetings. Very enjoyable and many members read excerpts from their fav books while growing up.
Saturday, Feb 4th, I had a nice time in the evening hanging out with Margaret K, and seeing the film “The Iron Lady” starring the wonderful Meryl Streep.
Sunday, Feb 5th, at 12pm, I had an appt with Dr Tan, then shopping at Pottery Barn and then headed down to Cobble Hill in Brooklyn for a vegan lunch at “Wild Ginger”. Afterwards, I picked up some goodies at Nutbox, and then home.
Tuesday, Feb 7th, at 7pm, many thanks to a fellow activist, and acquaintance, in letting me know that Chris Hedges would be speaking at All Souls church on Tuesday evening. It was a great talk [followed by Q&A] by Hedges on the Occupy Movement, as well as the death of the Liberal class. Hedges is an author and journalist, who touched on the following topics … the church, the press, education, labor, culture and the Democratic Party have either withered or surrendered to corporate interests. Hedges examined the failure of the liberal class to confront the rise of the corporate state and the consequences for our democracy. Chris calls upon those of us who care about the issues of justice and democratic equality to turn away from formal systems of power and begin to fight back through various options, including civil disobedience. Failure to do so, he believes, will harden into place a corporate system that will continue to exploit the working class and extinguish what is left of our democracy.
Wednesday, Feb 8th, I did volunteer work at WCW national office.
On Thursday, Feb 9th, after work, I attended the “Don’t Suppress Occupy” committee meeting near Washington Square Park.
On Friday afternoon, Feb 10th, I had minor surgery for ingrown toenail issues.
Saturday, Feb 11th, I participated in the BFP A&C committee conference call, which was very productive and informative.
On Tuesday, Feb 14th, I have a follow up with my foot doctor to check on toe after surgery on Friday afternoon.
On Feb 15th in 2003 I participated in my first ever peaceful protest, march and rally against war and the Bush/Cheney regime. It was a frigid cold day, but that didn’t stop thousands of protestors in NYC, and millions more around the world, against the US invasion of Iraq. That day was a turning point for me and my outlook on US and World politics. [As well as the peace movement and many progressive Democrat campaigns.] Many thanks go out to the inspiring Quaker couple who took me “under their wing” during the protest, and regaled me with their “protesting” stories from the 1960s to present. That whole afternoon was an eye-opening experience, and after that I listened to WBAI all the time, plus started reading articles on “Common Dreams” website, etc, etc.
Thursday, Feb 16th, I have an appt with Dr Tan down in Chinatown.
Friday – Sunday, [17th to 19th] I visited with the parents in upstate NY, and we even got abit of snow on Saturday afternoon. [Photo below during snowfall.] It was lovely! Helped Mom with her digital camera and transferred her pix from Xmas to present onto a CD. Easier that way for her to take to RiteAid and get prints done up. Mom and I also watched DH1 on DVD, plus PofA on cable TV. I also took the parents out for breakfast on Saturday, and got lots of “artsy” pix over the weekend.
On Monday, Feb 20th, I took half a personal day in the morning, as I woke up with neck / back issues. After seeing my chiropractor I headed into the office.
Tuesday evening, Feb 21st, I attended the BFP PF committee meeting in Cobble Hill section of Brooklyn. There is much to do and accomplish before the PF at BC end of April.
On Wednesday, Feb 22nd, I attended the monthly meetup with other “NYC Friends of Tolkien” members at a local diner. Bought a “Gosford Park” book off of Timdalf, and we mostly discussed TRD, and Pauline’s recent trip to the Middle East. It was also the first day of Lent and I always give up chocolate.
Thursday, Feb 23rd, I had an appt with Dr Tan down in Chinatown. Afterwards, I stopped by PC Richards to check out and purchase a new TV for my apt.
Friday, Feb 24th, I have an appt with my foot doctor as follow-up to recent surgery. Afterwards, headed up to Chelsea area to have dinner with my friend Larry, and get my 2011 taxes taken care of.
Saturday, Feb 25th, morning my cleaning lady, Dana, will stopped by to tend to my apt.
Sunday, Feb 26th, I visited my good friend Katherine up in CT, and we exchanged Xmas gifties while at lunch at a Chinese buffet. We also caught up on news, saw the latest innovations in the barn, etc.