Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Bush Is History's Top Terrorist
by Harvey Wasserman
As history's most environmentally destructive human, Bush's hate-nature crusade has been blessed by fanatic fundamentalists who believe destruction of the planet will hasten the Messiah. James Watt, Ronald Reagan's Interior Secretary, scorned attempts to preserve the Earth by announcing that Jesus was coming soon anyway. Bush spinmeister Karl Rove bans such blunt talk. But his all-out attacks on environmental protection, fuel efficiency, renewable energy and much more have already guaranteed an avoidable death toll unparalleled in human history. The evil winds of climate chaos now blasting through the Caribbean may soon seem like mild breezes compared to the ultimate eco-curse of George W. Bush. Attila the Hun. Genghis Khan. The Kaiser. Hitler. Stalin. Saddam. Bin Laden. None have killed more than those dying and destined to die at Bush's anti-green hands. His terror attacks have driven Mother Earth to the very brink. Four more years and he just might finish her off---and all of us with her. To read the whole article, visit the above link.

None dare call it Armageddon. None dare call it crusades, none dare call it Armageddon. Time for a little peace, love and truth-telling. I just watched a History Channel video on The Crusades, just to gain a little information on that period for a dollar...the rental charge on the video. Turns out Damascus played an important role. I flash forward to the present news of Israel bombing Damascus and shake my head. Will this madness ever cease? Why can't we all just get along? Is God that deranged that he or she would not allow a sort of wise tolerance to enter into the souls of these endlessly warring peoples? I google search the matter and stumble upon a page which bears this quote: The Prophet (pbuh) said: The place of assembly of the Muslims at the time of the Armageddon (al-Malhamah, the great war) will be in al-Ghutah near a city called Damascus, one of the best cities in Sham. (Abu-Dawud)

This makes me feel no better. No better at all. Even a little anxious. Bush's poll numbers are falling, badly, and when that happens, someone has to be kicked. Kicking dogs is illegal. Vicariousness is an intriguing concept, and one wonders if such things do not still go on among world leaders. We don't need no stinking religious war or religious victory. Blessed the peacemakers. All people are created equal. It is the handful who act otherwise. And sadly, it is that handful that currently rule the world. If mothers ruled the world, less children would die. Women...rise. Gaia is calling her daughters to save her from the rapists and child-killers. And to think Google caused all this! Let us make a detour around Armageddon. Let our children live. Winning is not everything. Possession is overrated. Cain means ownership. Peace is disarming. FADE TO BLACK...............

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