Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Attorney and Professor Environment, Health and Democracy
Seventh Annual Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Lecture in Health Policy
March 3, 2005

Robert F. Kennedy is introduced after about 5 minutes of talk. He gives a truly comprehensive talk titled "Environment, Health and Democracy". No one, not even the most staunch Republican can watch/listen to this speech [link below] and come away believing or supporting George Bush. Kennedy is relentless and his attacks are almost emotionless as he takes pains to point out the previous and current "good Republicans" who are champions for the environment. He describes the more than 400 rollbacks of over 30 years of environmental laws in the last 4 years that have caused a 4% rise in dangerous sulfur dioxode for the first time in years.

Mercury pollution is so high that one in six American women have so much Mercury in their wombs that their children will be born with a range of disabilities including autism, blindness, allergies, an imune system gone haywire and as much as a seven point drop in IQ! Mercury pollution has made all fish inedible in 19 states, and in another 29 states where they have tested many types of fish if not most are unsafe. Only 2 states, Alaska and Wyoming where the Legislature is controlled by Republicans, have not tested their fish for Mercury.

He defines fascism as "government run by corporations" and describes how Hitler (a right wing Christian fanatic who many considered "off the charts" nuts) and Mussolini both made unholy alliances with the industrial complex that then poured money into their campaigns. Once in office, they put the industrialists in charge and they proceeded to make small wars with no bid contracts, enriching themselves. He says is the government we have now here in America. He calls it living a "Science fiction nightmare", where children are being born into a world where the air is too dirty for them to breath while profiteering corporations treat the planet like a company in liquidation.

It is as powerful a condemnation as I have ever heard. He names the players and gives their offices and titles as well as their industrial linkbacks. He eviscerates the administration's pretense of Christian values and exposes them for what they really value, namely corporate profit taking. They are not the free market proponents they claim to be, nor do they support Democracy. He condemns the war and our torture of prisioners.

I dare you Republicans I'm including in this mailing to watch this ... it WILL change you! This speech must be heralded and paid attention to. This should become the lynchpin for impeachment proceedings. This is a criminal regime. This speech sheds light on how they have destroyed Democracy as they are destroying us. We need to get them out. Impeachment NOW.

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