Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Bush Slashes Aid to Poor to Boost Iraq War Chest

Vegetarian Is The New Prius
Kathy Freston,

Making an Example of Ehren Watada
Norman Solomon

Dems Had Better Listen to the Public’s Anger Over Our Failed Trade Policy
Deborah James, AlterNet

Dept of Peace Bill Off to A Rocky Start, Again
Jonathan Kaplan, The Hill News

[Duchess Note: The re-introduction of this important legislation already has 50+ co-sponsors. We need more co-sponsors AND to keep up the dialog with our representatives about the Dept of Peace bill (HR 808). More Americans want peace and the end of war. We need to continually let Congress and Senate know how we feel. Contact them several times a week via phone, email and fax. Remember they work for us, not the other way around. Now is not a time for complaining, its a time for action. Make it happen today! Thank you ... peace is the only way.]

Molly Ivins: America's Jericho Voice
Maya Angelou

Living the American Dream – In A One-Bedroom Apartment
Andrew Lam, New America Media

The Dangers of Depleted Uranium
CNN Video

Will They Have No Shame
NY Daily News Editorial – Feb 7th
See if you recall the budget described by this American President: "Excellent schools, quality health care, a secure retirement, a cleaner environment, a stronger defense - these are all important needs, and we fund them." The President was George W. Bush, presenting his first spending plan in 2001, in those compassionate conservative days of his administration. But something intervened: a little thing called reality. The Sept. 11 attacks, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, spiraling deficits, gas and health care prices rising through the roof and plenty of other things falling through the floor. Through it all, Bush remained wedded, beyond rhyme or reason or risk, to tax cuts skewed heavily toward the wealthy.

Which is how we've arrived at the latest federal budget - an inevitable, unacceptable statement of his priorities. Yes, of course, it extends tax cuts that so far have diverted $1 trillion from the federal treasury. And keeping the cuts means many things have to give. Like homeland security grants, slashed by 22%. Like Medicare and Medicaid, which means a hefty hospital hit of about $2.7 billion in New York State alone? Like the vital centerpiece of the Bush education reform agenda, No Child Left Behind, under funded as it has been from the start. Those cuts will hurt long after Bush is gone.

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