Message from The Peace Alliance & Dept of Peace Campaign - Virginia Tech Our Hearts Go OutWe write to you today with heavy hearts. The devastating events at Virginia Tech affect us all. Shock, outrage, anger and deep sadness are present as we recognize the great loss suffered, in truth, by all of us. We face yet again another painful reminder of the urgent need for a comprehensive approach to reducing and preventing violence in our nation and the world. In dark moments such as this, shock, anger and denial are natural and normal reactions that can camouflage our deep pain and sadness. Grief takes a variety of forms, unique to each individual. The important thing is that we take the time to grieve—whenever we do it, however we do it.
Many of you have already asked how our local grassroots members have been affected, and what is being done to provide support in the area. We have supporters who live in Blacksburg, VA, the town neighboring Virginia Tech, including Congressional District Team Leader for Virginia CD-9, Tom Marano. At this time, we have no reports that our grassroots members have friends or family directly involved in this devastating event. Virginia State Coordinator Christine Johnson is working with the local team to define ways to support the Virginia Tech community. When the Virginia team identifies ways for those of us living outside the region to help, we will let you know. In the meantime, they know we stand with them in loving support.
This event also has direct implications to our work in the campaign for a U.S. Department of Peace. Many of you have asked for guidance on communicating the vision of the Department of Peace in light of these tragic events. It is entirely appropriate—in fact necessary—for us to speak in this time of heartache, to address the ongoing question of how we prevent this type of violence from ever occurring again. We know that as a nation we have concrete tools to resolve conflict before it escalates into violence. The bipartisan call for a moment of silence in the House and the Senate yesterday to acknowledge the worst mass shooting in U.S. history indicates our elected leaders' desire to put aside political interests and become part of the solution. We can help our government leaders understand the need for institutions that address the root causes of violence so that we never suffer another Virginia Tech.
We encourage you to respond to this tragedy thoughtfully and compassionately. Please consider calling your members of Congress today and reminding them that we can take a fresh approach to dealing with violence. Share with them your deep concern about the shootings at Virginia Tech, and remind them that violence is a global and national public health and safety crisis that is preventable. Help them see, as you do, that we currently have the programs and practices needed to resolve conflict before it escalates into violence. If you've previously met with specific staff members, be sure to share this vision directly with them. You can reach your members through the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121. You may also find your members' direct contact information at and for more info on the Dept of Peace campaign, check out REGARDING NYC CHAPTER ON DEPLETED URANIUMRay Ramos of the NY NG 442nd MP Unit, who tested positive for depleted uranium exposure through testing supported by the Daily News after his Unit's 2003 deployment in Samaweh, Iraq. The town where they buried and stored vehicles armored in and destroyed by depleted uranium weapons in 1991. The town which the Dutch Army, which was to replace the NY NG Unit, tested with geiger counter and rejected for quartering their troops.
Ray Ramos, who with 8 other NY National Guardsmen is suing the V.A. for malpractice. Will be featured on The Montel Williams Show, Friday, April 20, at 4:00 P.M. on Channel 9. Spread the word and show your support for those suffering DU exposure.Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed on Cheney
Mary Ann Akers, The Sleuth[Duchess Note: The majority of Americans must learn that just impeaching Bush will leave us with Cheney in total power. Behind the scenes for past 6 years he pretty much has been pulling the strings of Puppet Dictator Wannabe Bush. Along with Cheney, we need to impeach Rove, Rice and ALL those other thugs. Starting with Cheney is a smart move on Kucinich’s part and why I admire the man so much.]
Message from the Business Council for Peace
You are cordially invited to come hear how Bpeace members are using their business skills to foster global peace through economic empowerment.
The Rwanda Action Team Open Meeting - From Peace to ProsperityWednesday, April 25th6:00PM to 8:00PMLeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae LLP125 West 55th Street, ManhattanAgenda includes ... "X 13th Anniversary Genocide Commemoration "X Field Report "X Mentoring Program "X Volunteer Consulting Opportunities "X August 2007 Mission "X Q&A Panel Speakers Include:"X Eugenie Mukeshimana, Genocide survivor, Bpeace member "X Richard Niwenshuti, Bpeace Program Manager, Kigali
Please RSVP with names of attendees for security list to: Anne Kellett or Lee Rubinstein, Rwanda Action Team Co-Chairs, or
leerubinstein@mac.comAbout Bpeace ... Bpeace is an international network of business volunteers who help women inwar- torn countries grow sustainable businesses. Our belief is that when women are stronger economically, they have a stronger voice for peace in their local communities and societies. For these women, Bpeace provides business and marketing consulting, distance mentoring, training, networking opportunities and builds global awareness of their courage and commitment to peace.
The People Vs Richard Cheney
GQ Magazine
Resolved, that Richard B. Cheney, vice president of the United States, should be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors and that these articles of impeachment be submitted to the American people.[Duchess Note: In the polls, over last 3 years, the majority of Americans loath Cheney more than Bush. Personally, I firmly believe that both should be impeached. The list of their crimes is long, very long. Which means we'd be left with House Speaker Pelosi as head of state. I'm not thrilled with that notion, but its a helluva lot better than Bush and Cheney.]