Friday, April 02, 2004


*FEATURED ACTION: Draft the Bush Twins First!
*ACTIVISM OPPORTUNITY: Appoint Mayor McCheese Assistant Secretary of Manufacturing
*ACTIVISM OPPORTUNITY: Starbucks, "Tall" is not Small

Draft the Bush Twins First!
Would our elected representatives be so quick to go to war if there was a legitimate chance their own children would be the Americans to pay the ultimate price? The Pentagon recently requested that the Selective Service System draw up plans for a targeted military draft of Americans with "special skills" such as computer programming or knowledge of certain foreign languages. It's time to stand up to the Bush administration and chickenhawks in Congress and call for a targeted draft of Americans with "special skills" for avoiding sacrifice in a time of war: the children of warmongering politicians. Tell your senators and representatives: Draft the Bush twins first! If politicians are going to conscript Americans and put their lives on the line for the Bush administration's foolhardy foreign policy, they must start by sending their own sons and daughters to Iraq. Click here to take action!

Appoint Mayor McCheese as Assistant Secretary of Manufacturing
Now that the Bush administration wants to reclassify fast-food restaurant jobs from service to manufacturing jobs, it's time to let the expert take control and shift us into a recovery filled with new jobs for the more than 8 million Americans currently unemployed. Thankfully, there is a great candidate for the newly created Assistant Secretary of Manufacturing position who knows all about creating "manufacturing" jobs -- at least as newly defined by the Bush administration -- The Honorable Mayor McCheese. Mayor McCheese has overseen an empire that creates jobs in 25 different manufacturing positions, from manufacturing fries to burgers to nuggets to salads. Urge President Bush to immediately appoint Mayor McCheese as Assistant Secretary of Manufacturing. Click here to take action!

Starbucks, "Tall" is Not Small
Activists have successfully pressured Starbucks to offer fair trade coffee via a powerful grassroots campaign, but we can't stop the pressure just yet. There is another battle to be won -- ending the abusive practice of forcing customers to use pretentious pseudo euro-speak when ordering a simple cup of coffee. Don't let Starbucks be the boss of you. Tell them to stop using the pretentious "tall, grande and venti" labels for the sizes of their drinks and use "small, medium and large." Click here to take action!

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