Kucinich Decries Violence, US Policy In Iraq
by Dan Hortsch
The Democrat remains in the presidental race and will speak and attend fund-raisers in Portland yesterday.

Lies, Damn Lies And Bushco Employment Statistics
In a long post with a lot of worthwhile discussion of the relative merits of Democratic and Republican communication styles, The Left Coaster's pessimist points out that "... the increase in jobs was not due to 300,000 citizens getting full time jobs, but because 300,000 citizens took part time jobs because they could not get full time jobs. The number of people who worked part time for economic reasons rose to 4.7 million in March, up from 4.4 million the previous month (According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics)." So, by the time you take out the statistical inflation they got from including the returning grocery strikers in California, and the seasonal bump in construction employment, it looks like the big March job numbers actually conceal a significant drop in full time, year round employment. You know, real jobs. That's why they call people like me Discouraged Workers, I guess...time to bring out the beggar's bowl again...
1. Ralph Nader to meet with John Kerry this month
2. 50,000 public comments needed to end SUV loopholes
3. Who really spoiled the 2000 election?
1. Ralph Nader to meet with John Kerry this month
Ralph Nader has announced that he will be meeting with John Kerry sometime this month to discuss their "common objective" of defeating George Bush in 2004. Read more: http://www.care2.com/go/z/13007
2. 50,000 public comments needed to end SUV loopholes
Are you concerned about global warming, foreign oil dependence, and rising gas prices? Then take a moment to be part of the solution! The technology exists to put safer, more fuel-efficient SUVs on our roads today, but instead we're given gas-guzzlers, foreign oil dependence, and global warming pollution. Find out how SUVs could be helping to solve today's oil security and environmental problems instead of causing them and send a letter for cleaner cars and a healthier planet!
3. Who Really Spoiled the 2000 Election?
Find out what really happened, according to the Green Party: http://www.care2.com/go/z/13009

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