Monday, April 12, 2004

From The VOTE TO IMPEACH BUSH Website - More News

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1] More Death in Iraq; Bush Vacations
2] Lying for the President: C. Rice and J. Dean

1] Having sent thousands of people to their death in Iraq, it is a disgrace that George W. Bush can retreat in the face of the growing conflagration to the safety and privilege of his expansive ranch in Crawford, TX. Here is a leader who opted for war, with all of its attendant misery and suffering, not as a last resort, but as a first choice. Throughout history such leaders have been held accountable by those whose lives were treated as nothing other than cannon fodder.

April 9th is the first anniversary of the fall of Baghdad. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld know they were lying about weapons of mass destruction and about Saddam Hussein's purported links to September 11 and to Al Qaida when they launched their blitzkrieg-type invasion. They were betting on the fact that they could roll over Iraq, proclaim victory and create a functional U.S dictatorship in Iraq -- one that would quickly be able to find an Iraqi face as a diplomatic cover. One year later, the number of people being killed in Iraq has not subsided but on the contrary is growing at an alarming rate. Tens of thousands of Iraqis have been killed. Soon there will be 700 young men and women in the U.S. armed forces who will have died in Iraq as a consequence of this criminal endeavor.

The crimes of the Bush administration and their long term repercussions make Watergate seem like a very minor episode in comparison. In fact, John Dean, the White House counsel to Nixon, has stated in his new book "Worse than Watergate: the Secret Presidency of George W. Bush," that Bush must be impeached. Dean served prison time for his role in the Watergate affair in the early 1970s. Dean agreed to testify that Nixon was guilty of lying to Congress about Watergate, even though he knew that testimony would lead to his own imprisonment.

2] This past week we have all witnessed the performance of Condoleezza Rice embracing her role as the voice of the administration, openly carrying forward the lies and recalcitrance of the Bush administration as she testified before the September 11 Commission. But even the Commission is looking the other way regarding the Bush administration's lies about the war in Iraq and its ongoing campaign of deceit designed to mislead and convince the U.S. public that Iraq had something to do with September 11. In advance of the war, Rice filled the airwaves warning of the impending "mushroom cloud" that would be unleashed by Iraq if the U.S. government did not immediately attack and bomb that hobbled and impoverished country. What can be done about an administration that is this criminal in its nature and conduct? It is clear that the force for change will not come from appointed commissions, nor from looking away and swapping in alternate "leadership" that backs the same policies. The real force for true accountability is coming from people demanding the one Constitutional mechanism for dealing with criminal conduct committed by those who obtain the highest offices in the U.S. -- demanding impeachment.

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