Monday, September 08, 2003

Here now the weekend report and it was a good one. First of all the weather cleared up and was very sunny from Friday onwards. Sweet! Secondly, I spent some time Friday evening over at Rob's place in Queens and becoming acquainted with his two ferrets [ie: Sluggo & Wally]. At one point we took the furkids up to the roof and let them romp around, while we cuddled and gazed at the stars [even saw Mars]. Very enjoyable evening! On saturday I spent it up in Yonkers doing my volunteer work at ferret shelter. Two furkids from previous month had to be put to sleep, as their health had gotten worse and their quality of life diminished. Poor darlings! Did my usual duties of brushing fur, cleaning ears, water bottle maintanence, socializing, poopy trays, etc. Didn't get to play with some of my favs, as they'd already had their playtime and back in cages. Sigh! There are several young, energtic, aggressive, adoptable newbies at the shelter. Plus several had been adopted since I was up in August. That evening I went out for a power walk at local track and again spotted Mars. Really cool! On Sunday I had to do some work at the office, then went up to eastside of Manhattan to hangout at Central Park and Metropolitan Museum of Art. This time I brought my camera, since it was another fine day, and I spent some time at Met roof garden. Lovely views! Back home I grabbed a blanket, pillow, book and waterbottle then headed to local park for a relaxing two hours under the trees. Very nice!

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