Thursday, February 19, 2004

Was skimming thru the Yahoo Group "kucinich4president" and came across two excellent, honest comments on media, politics and Kucinich. I feel you too [wonderful blog readers] will agree with some or all of their comments.

Our Local Paper Today, A Sad Day

It is a sad day when the people no longer get to decide who the nominee will be let alone the President (stolen election). I went to the front page of our local paper and it looks like they are trying to tell me the choice is between Kerry and Bush, and the sign says Kerry, so the subconscious message should be in my mind to vote for Kerry. Excuse me, I used to think I could think for myself. Nowadays, the media does it's thinking for us. My town was never like this. Really, this is the first time that it started to look like Fox News. I think this Kerry thing, like my friend said, is really like the Ford pardoning Nixon thing. This is so dirty. The media has become the greatest ill on our society. It reaffirms why I don't subscribe to cable. # Lynn

CNN is doing it and also NPR. They are trying their best to shut us up because Dennis is the only formidable opponent and serious challenge to the failed, destructive and wasteful policies of the Bush administration. The other candidates are at best window-dressing, yet because they do not actually pose a clear challenge to the status-quo of business/politics as usual, they are being promoted by the powerful interests via their mouthpiece the mass media. Some of their rhetoric is straight out of Orwell's ANIMAL FARM and 1984 in terms of the double think and Newspeak blather that confuses rather than confronts and sheds light on the actual issues facing Americans.

Dennis is the serious candidate who is confronting and is not beholden to the powerful interests that run America and threaten world peace and security and for this reason is hushed up inasmuch as possible. I think we must take this as a sign of strength on the part of Dennis and those of us who envision a truly just and peaceful and secure world. The situation in Iraq is growing worse, and our security as Americans is growing more tenuous under the policies that only Dennis is confronting in his campaign. We know we are correct in our unwavering support for Dennis Kucinich even if the media is doing its best to silence this campaign for his Presidency, a position he well deserves and must win if America is to survive.

This is not the first time that the media has promoted fluff in lieu of real debate to the people and tried to take their critical decisions away from them. It is far more useful to the powerful interests that people are not permitted to think for themselves, not allowed to feel. To think and to feel lead to social change because these attributes are necessary for our very sense of humanity. The media blackout of Dennis' campaign, while expected, need not be tolerated or accepted. The media fluffheads might think they are laughing all the way to the bank, but in the end Dennis will take this country by storm, once the people are allowed to wake up. # Mary

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